Monday, August 1, 2011

Year 10: Military - China


  1. What does the authour mean when he says that there is a 'strategic shadow' that looms over everything? How does this relate to the US?
  2. What does the author propose regarding uranium sales to India?
  3. What mistakes does the author say that Gillard has made in the region?
  4. How has China save us from these mistakes?
  5. What does the quote 'cleaving close to the US and close to us' mean?
  6. What has China forced regarding coordination btw Australia and the US?
  7. Who will be conducting the Australia Defense Force Posture review? What were their former posts in the government?
  8. What five areas will they focus on?
  9. What does the author suggest is the most important part of the review? Why?
  10. What does having a stronger military presence in the north of Australia do for the future? More or less conflict? Why?
  11. How is China leading an arms race in the Asia Pacific?
  12. In 2008, what did Rudd predict for military spending in the region?
  13. How did Brendan Nelson and Malcolm Turnbull get it wrong regarding China and Rudd get it right?
  14. What does Australia seek to do with China?

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